Looking out over the city from Brooklyn hill
I meant to ride the Highbury Fling… but true to form, I got lost and found myself on a different track.
I love the scooters seen around town.
There’s no denying it
So cute
I like every season – Autumn for the colour and sound of the fallen leaves
A pretty good picture considering it’s handheld…
I didn’t think there’d be too many flowers in bloom
Just beautiful
I was struck by the colour of this!
Fields of them…
There’s not many ways to make broken glass pretty; maybe this is one of them.
ANZAC day BMX ride
Don’t worry mum, I wouldn’t be caught dead attempting this!
I suspect when the boys are out riding they usually talk about girls. With me along however, it became a lot more philosophical.
An excellent way to finish up the month!
April 2012 was decidedly more photogenic than March… Well, judging by the amount of photos I took anyway