Through a few state park walks in Tasmania, we spotted a bunch of different mushrooms,… Read the postShrooms
One of the top reasons for me to visit Tasmania was the animals – wombats,… Read the postTasmanian wildlife
I realised that I never posted these photos from almost two years ago. After the… Read the postOldies but goodies
An event! In person! So far during the pandemic I’d had two running events cancelled… Read the postHobbiton run
I’m hoping in a few short years, the weirdness of the 2020-2022 period will be… Read the postTime capsule
*Just* before Covid really ballooned in NZ we said one final hurrah to summer. Even… Read the postHighlights from a week in the south
The biggest walk us gals have done yet, but definitely easier than the Northern Walkway… Read the postThe Skyline