This month we have a lot of New Zealand’s beautiful scenery – with a smattering of French food for good measure!
Wandering about Wellington city
Cape Palliser is in the slice of sunlight in the background
And finally, we made it to the Korokoro dam, which had this waterfall on the other side.
We went for a quick walk in the Putangirua scenic reserve – heaps of huge rock and sand formations!
Standing at the edge of Lake Wairarapa
One of the brightest points along the track.
Wheki or Ponga?
An old gnarled tree trunk along the (currently) dried river bed.
Some shells fossilized in a rock
Andy and I also went to the Korokoro dam in Belmont
Celebrating French fair with macarons, Laurent-Perrier, ratatouille and baguettes.
The view from the scenic reserve. We live in such a beautiful country!