The supermarket was pandemonium as we picked up groceries for P&Js two-week self isolation Panic buying the essentials the night before lockdown For our wedding anniversary we queued for groceries. Lots of signage was produced to help you stay a safe distance First time wearing a mask Working from home became the norm (the cat loved it) Mask mandates made the coffee/tea service feel weird We briefly opened the border with Aussie. It didn’t last long My first Covid test, over a year into the pandemic Vaccination time! Felt hopeful that this was the beginning of the end One down, one to go! But first, straight back into lockdown 2 The supermarket shelves were bare A government-approved jaunt around our suburb Pukerua Bay became a ghost town. So peaceful After lockdown, it was hard to encourage people back onto public transport There were seating restrictions Then the protests started, spurred on by frustration, flawed rhetoric and manipulation The protests culminated in a big standoff in town. I was glad to be working from home. Rapid Antigen Testing. Can’t wait for these to be a thing of the past
I’m hoping in a few short years, the weirdness of the 2020-2022 period will be a distant memory; something we look back on and think “wow, I can’t believe that all happened”. Assuming that will the case, I’ve made myself something of a time capsule of images to remind myself.